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Durable & Weatherproof Sticker Sheets

The Yoga Beasties love class and group meditation. They all have their favorite pose which they demonstrate for the class. They're all about community. Come join them, they are fun and colorful!


From left to right: Scorpian, Warrior 3, AUM, Gate, Wheel

From left to right: Warrior 2,Tree, Eagle, Half Moon, Goddess

Tired of the typical perfect-bodied Yoga poster girl? Good news! There’s a new asana posse in town. “Yoga Beasties” are the creation of artist and yogi Gigi Spratley, and if her dream trajectory goes according to plan, these little creatures may just change the face (and body) of yoga as we know it. Fellow artist and writer Sharon Watts had a chat with her to learn more.


Sharon Watts: “Yoga Beasties” are a spin-off of “Li'l Beasties.” How did that happen?


Gigi Spratley: I had been showing my “Li'l Beasties” art at Yoga High when students started requesting them in yoga poses. Everyone has a favorite pose, and more requests came in.


SW: How do you match the “Beastie” to the pose? And which is your personal favorite?


GS: They really just evolve. “Eagle Beastie” had to have feathers. “Tree Beastie” had to have leaves. My favorite is “Meditation Beastie,” which was inspired by the colors of the chakras and guided visualization.


SW: I can’t wait for the “dead bug” plush toy to become available. I’m already making room for him on my bed.

© 2025 Gigi Spratley and Jack Waltrip. All Rights Reserved.

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